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November 20, 2001

I am doing some work

I am doing some work on the blogger.el component of perlyblog. I think
it'll make a good project for learning some more elisp.

No, they don't. Wicked excellent.

No, they don't. Wicked excellent. OK, now I can really start abusing this.

And it does. Wow. Although

And it does. Wow. Although I am a bit concerned as to whether
auto-filled lines will continue to show up as double returns

and this is a post

and this is a post which should just work.

this is a post.

this is a post.

this is pretty neat. by

this is pretty neat. by using perlyblog, I am able to actually make

blogger posts from emacs. I continue to move towards my dream of using

XEmacs for everything.

ok, this time fer sure

ok, this time fer sure