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April 15, 2005

In the year of the big wind

via Screaming Penguin, The Abstract Factory: In which Jonah Goldberg performs feats that bend the laws of space and time

The entire right-wing movement is like a hovercraft floating on the perpetually roaring whirlwind of sub-rational, self-reinforcing nonsense that gusts through the minds of its adherents. It goes on and on and on, and nobody stops the people who feed it; most of the time, nobody with a prominent voice even stands up to them and calls them on their nonsense. For writing this column, and numerous other pieces of garbage like it, for filling people's minds with offal, Jonah Goldberg will never face judgment; he'll die peacefully, with a fat bank account and a kid gloves obituary.

Read the rest.

April 3, 2005

But what do the vegans think?

Amazon.com: Books: Teany Book: Stories, Food, Romance, Cartoons and, of Course, Tea

With Teany Book, Moby and Kelly distill Teany into an idiosyncratic yet functional gift book that will teach the art of making Teany's special lavender iced tea and creating nosh-worthy vegan lunches that even carnivores will enjoy, while also functioning as a popular history of the Lower East Side.

You know, I'm really tired of seeing people say things like "this is really good for vegetarian food - even meat-eaters might like it!" Well, if they like it, it must be good. Carnivores have more than enough sources for things to eat, thank you.