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OK, genug, kitty. Time to

OK, genug, kitty. Time to start actually saying some stuff again. The big news is that I got laid off from my job at Oxygen Media, though it's sort of a time-release thing: if I stay and play nice (which meaning I'm not entirely certain of yet) for the next 6 months, then they'll give me 3 months severance.

On the face of it, this seems like a pretty good deal. I have a guaranteed paycheck for the rest of the year, and the co seems like it'll be reasonably liberal in allowing me to look for another job.

The problem is this: if part of my unhappiness here was the result of feeling like I was underutilized, then this period of time feels like attending my own funeral. I don't have anything interesting to do, and I've been put on a project which I think I got simply because noone else wanted to do it. It's certainly a long distance away from the platform and app server changes going on here now.

If you need a good solid Java programmer in the meantime, mostly experienced in servlets and JSP, feel free to contact me at jbm@panix.com. Or take a gander at my resume.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to figure out what to do.