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Turn that Radio down

You know, if its users were less inclined to post exaggerated hyperbole like:

The ability to mirror dynamic content immediately to at least three independent sites is, quite frankly, the most important Internet development since the web itself. And the possibility of mirroring different categories to different sites (audiences) is astounding. Thanks kindly for another nail in the coffin of mainstream media.

I might be much more inclined to give Radio 8 a try. But as it is, when I hear people spewing the kind of hype that UserLand & co are quick to denounce from other companies (think Sun and Java), then what we have here is a severe case of KettlePotitis. What's next, Radio eclipses TCP/IP in importance?

As for nails in the coffin of mainstream media, let's remember that WiReD used to spout the same sort of bullshit, and they're now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Conde Nast Corporation. The app can be good, even great, without being the Imminent Death of All Media Besides Weblogs.