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Guilty as charged

I hate to admit this, but I'm only making this entry to get the columns on the right to line up correctly again. Maybe this is something I should fix.

Yikes, I just posted this and checked it and it's almost right. I need a longer entry. Geez, this is really embarrassing. Well, maybe not. What about those little tiny cartoons the New Yorker (hey, I can link that! a real weblog entry!) sticks in the columns? Those little doodly things that appear to be just filler? Those drive my father crazy, because they "HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SURROUNDING STORY!" Um, ok.

Anyway, 2 other New Yorker things:

1. When I went to put in the link, I checked, as I always do, to make sure that the link is newyorker.com and not thenewyorker.com, which I always find myself wanting to use, since it's colloquially how I've always referred to the magazine. thenewyorker.com is oocupied by one of those "helpful new york resources" sites, which isn't and doesn't appear to have been updated since mid-March. Not very helpful.

2. When this week's issue of The New Yorker (see?) arrived, D took one look at the cover (if you're reading this this week (posterity!), you can see it in the upper right-hand corner of the home page,) which I had thought was sort of skeevy-looking (unless you're one of those heroin-wasted types, I guess) and said "Eeeeeeuuuuuwww! This kissing is gross!" I like this guy's art, he reminds me of an artist from the early days of Art Spiegelman's Raw, though of course I can't remember his name now (the artist in Raw, not Art Spiegelman, or the New Yorker cover artist (Istvan Banyai), obviously), but there's something disturbing about some of his stuff. Anyway, I have independent corroboration.

OK, I think I can stop now.