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Thank you to everyone who has been working on making this come together in the past few days. It has been surprisingly painless and friction-free. Together, we have come up with a new standard that is useful, elegant, forward-thinking, and widely implemented. In 4 days.

with this:

Try to imagine what victory looks like, and when you get it, bury the hatchet, acknowledge, and move forward. Anything other response, imho, is just stop energy and counter-productive. We won't do this again if people continue to write us out of the story. If there's no upside for us, we'll stick with our plan and not divert. And maybe take a weekend off every year or so.

And now try a little imagining yourself. Try to imagine how anybody ever works with such an ungenerous childish person at all. It's all a matter of perspective. For all the "UserLand is a SmallCo" stuff, remember that for many of us, what appears to be a SmallCo is a BigCo. And an amazingly ungracious one at that, said ungraciousness going a long way to explain the reluctance of many to work with said WhatverTheHellSizeItIsCo. But now we'll get the usual - committees of one "adding" new features, and then acting as though the whole thing were his idea in the first place. What a baby.