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kill -HUP the presses

Why do I sometimes get the impression that what the "blogs are too journalism" types (see previous entry) really want is one of those fedoras with a press pass tucked into the hatband. If the Times interviews me for a story, that doesn't make me a reporter. Kapish?

Or to put it another way: primary sources are not journalism. They may be fascinating to read, they add another perspective, and in areas where the blogger has domain expertise, it may even be relevant. But given the fact that most tech webloggers never disclose anything regarding their conflicts of interest, while feeling perfectly free to rant about the integrity of journalists, there is an exceedingly long way to go before they have any credibility whatsoever. Until then you're the Cabbage Patch Kid wired to the front of the Cluetrain.


Wouldn't that be 'killall -9 presses' or something? =)