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The Doc Searls Weblog :

The Doc Searls Weblog : Friday, August 9, 2002

Speaking of which, Bernie does retreats. They're the therapy you don't think you need, and you won't be embarrased to talk about later.

The "Bernie" here being Bernie deKoven, the schmuck who both Dave and Doc have been hyping endlessly for years, apparently to no avail. When Dave was doing it was to promote Bern's stoopit notion of running meetings via remote outlines. Which I guess dovetails neatly with many of Winer's stoopit notions. Kalifornyuh. Save us all from Kalifornyuh.

Now it's in BErnie's new positon as the "Guru of Glee" where he teaches you how to have more fun. Which I guess you need if you're a Cisco middle manager with a stick so far up your ass there's a bump in your forehead, but otherwise seems a little forced to me.


Dear Mr. Clam,

Your depiction of my work, and my friends, has just come to my attention. After giving your material serious consideration, I wasn't sure if your comments accurately conveyed the full depth of your interest in my stoopitity. There's more:

You can see me in action at http://www.deepfun.com/clips.htm

Or listen to me be interviewed on http://www.deepfun.com/deepfun.ram

And get your daily dose of more stoopitness on my weblog: http://www.deepfun.com/weblog

That would be stoopitity rather, I swan.