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Why do you hate this post so much?

I know it's a self-link, but I think it's interesting (if not a tad depressing) that the entry on this site that has managed to generate anything resembling a discussion is this one: why do you hate America so much?

What's strange is I don't think any of the posters actually followed the link in the entry. Instead, they are all responding to the title of the post, which line is a running gag in the Tom Tomorrow cartoon I was pointing to. At least the first poster thought that I was actually saying that myself. I wasn't. I pointed to it because I thought it made an excellent satirical point regarding "patriotism" and dissent in the current political climate. From there, however, the participants have mostly been at that line with some fervor. I'm not even sure how they're finding it. All I know is every now and then, I get an email with a new comment on that page, 2 in the last day. We finally got a pro-American yesterday, though it was soon followed by a Brit who was actually responding to the pro-America guy. It's self-perpetuating now, I guess.

Now that I think of it, it's pretty pathetic that I consider 5 comments to be a lot of traffic. I need to insult some BigBlog and get some flow.

Update: Well, the debate goes on, pretty much independent of me; there's a response to the UK guy. But I think I may have found a reason for the post fomenting (forget it, still no links to definitions. Look it up yourself. I assume you're literate.) discussion: the post is the #2 link on Google for "hate America much." Ye cats.