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Wait. It actually stands for stupid?

Now what was that you were saying about "simplicity?"

Scripting News

We're going to skip the instant messaging connection for 0.94. It looks too involved for this late stage. There's one more feature request I want to try to handle, it came from Mike Krus. He calls for a sub-element of channel that says "This is my Syndic8 id."

This is especially good.

I sent an email to Jeff Barr, the lead developer on Syndic8 asking what he thinks and he says it's a good idea.

Well, fucking duh. No, really?

At this point, the smartest guy in the whole michegas (I refuse to insert condescending links to dictionary.com definitions) may be Mark Pilgrim. I suggest you grab a copy of his Ultra-liberal RSS Parser (otherwise known as a parser of easy virtue), cause with the coming fracas over RSS I think we're going to see, it's gonna be one bigass mess out there, and you're going to need something that'll handle the <myAuntsEthernetID> sub-sub-element of the <docLovesMoxie> node.