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It has to be a 'cool' taxonomy.

Noise Between Stations weblog

Somehow this reminded me of After the Dot-Bomb: Getting Web Information Retrieval Right This Time. In it Marcia Bates argues that the rest of us were reinventing information seeking when the library and information science field had already solved many of these problems. In the light of my work's executive manhandling, I saw Bates' insistence that we were 'ignoring' this discipline as inadvertently admitting, "We in the LIS field failed to communicate what we know and make it accessible to those who need it."

I would say it's much more likely that in the overweening hubris and egotism (and ageism, but we'll leave that aside for now) of the dot-com movement, it was probably more like,
"We in the field don't think any of your old rules apply in our hip new world." You know, kind of the way blogs are now.

Communication is a 2-way street. Maybe it wasn't so much that they weren't talking as you weren't listening.


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» Dewey Decimal Is So Last Week from MetaEd
Snappy the Clam: It has to be a 'cool' taxonomy links to this note on this article. "We in the field don't think any of your old rules apply in our hip new world." You know, kind of the way [Read More]