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Nix apart.

Joi Ito's Web: Anil takes responsibility for MT 3 mess and moves to SF

Anil Dash
To use the requisite automotive analogy, if Six Apart were a shiny new car, I feel like I was the person who put the first dent in it, and then a couple thousand people stood around pointing and saying "It's totalled!"
It's been a hard week for everyone at Six Apart with the difficulty with the launch of the Movable Type 3 and the licensing and communications about this. Anil seems to feel quite responsible. It sounds a bit like Rummy getting set up to be the fall guy, but fine. It was Anil's fault. ;-)

That quote from Anil doesn't sound like someone taking responsibility for their mistake. That quote translates to "I made a little mistake and everyone overreacted." If they keep spinning this as "we got slammed by our crazy freeloading user base," Six Apart will regret it; they are not going to be able to survive on the kindness of the A-list. The man fucked it up bigtime. He needs to accept it, apologize for it (straightforwardly - not with coy asides on a linkblog,) move on, and stop trying to blame his customers for it.