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"make it do, use it up, wear it out."

Doc Searls: And call the kid Jesus.

Right before I was about to haul the dead ViewSonic out to the dumpster, the kid prevailed upon me to plug the thing into the wall one more time, just to be real sure it wasn't really dead. After wiggling the power cord connection around (again at the kid's insistence), the thing gave a soft "bvvvm" and came to life. Now it's back working again.
I think I'll rename the screen Lazarus.

Isn't this the guy who's always talking about DIY and self-sufficiency? He's ready to throw away a working monitor because of a loose power cord? Man, if you're in the Bay Area, I know whose garbage you should be keeping an eye on...

There's a certain degree of incuriosity to this that I find strange in someone so deeply involved in the tech world. I get a huge amount of pleasure out of tracking down answers, finding it out myself. I don't want people to do my Googling for me.