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Russell gets it right

Russell Beattie Notebook - Republicans Suck 2004

Republicans just keep on lying and lying and lying until the stupid people think it's the truth just because it's so consistent. E.g. "Death Tax", "Flip Flop", "Libera Media" - it's *not* but now everyone assumes it is, and the conservatives get their way always. They are manipulators extraordinaire. Have you read the platform? Revisionism and manipulation at it's best. Goebbels could't have written it better.

Exactly right, and it's the most frightening part of their strategy. I think of it as the "la la la I can't hear you" strategy - no matter what the other side says, repeat the same argument verbatim ad nauseam. Don't acknowledge any reply, don't respond, just keep repeating it over and over.

Frightening. Read the post; it's not easily dismissed as Bush-bashing, or its evil cousin Bush-hating. (Though it will be anyway; remember the strategy.) Russell lays out the arguments against Bush in eloquent anger.