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Apple's iPod Shuffle Stifles Podcasting:

Veteran podcaster and former MTV host Adam Curry said the iPod shuffle makes no sense at all -- and certainly not for podcasting.

"Apple hasn't picked up on podcasting because they are thinking about how things work from Apple to the rest of the world. They are not seeing what is happening," Curry said on his Thursday show, Daily Source Code.

This sort of booshwah reminds me the sort of "entrepreneur" type who doesn't get that your self-interest as a wage slave don't quite coincide with his. It's really a type of narcissism, and that's what I see here. Curry doesn't get that Apple may not actually believe that podcasting is necessarily the inevitable obvious end of the iPod platform. My sense is that Apple hasn't "picked up" on podcasting because the vast majority of people buying iPods are using them to listen to music, not the ramblings of frustrated middleaged pundit wannabes.

The iPod shuffle only doesn't make sense if you think that the sole purpose of the iPod platform is just Tivo for audio blogging. Otherwise it's a great idea, expands the market for Apple even further, and appears to be doing quite well.


> not the ramblings of frustrated middleaged pundit wannabes.

You mean the poorly recorded ramblings of middle-aged frustrated pundit wannabes.

what strikes me as so asinine about the whole thing is that when they announced the shuffle, i thought to myself "hey, this would be useful for those podcasts. i could listen to them if i wanted, without having to pollute my real ipod with them." but alas, now that the engadget podcast is no more, i really don't listen to any of them. it's like watching the cable access channel.