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When you have snatched the Kool-aid from my hand.

l.m.orchard's OPML blog: Saturday, March 18, 2006:

Ever notice that most of the same people who have a grouse with OPML and RSS have a hard time with PHP, too? (This includes me, historically.) All successful technologies, all a bit dirty. I have a hunch about why this is so, but I've not yet had spare brain cycles to articulate it. But, just think: Why don't we have a Xanadu web run on Lisp serving up perfect, crystalline RDF?

Ah, the new minion begins the long inexorable slide towards his vewwy own lawyers' letter someday.


Bah, I've been in and out of supposed minion-dom for years now. It's only gotten me a book deal and a few good jobs, though he had nothing personally to do with either.