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The upgrade.

Well. As you can probably tell from the defaulty look of things around here, I have indeed upgraded. And after some thought, and having given some consideration to Anil's comments, I decided that I wanted to give MT another shot. mph has stuck with it, and I have a great deal of respect for his opinion. This weblog has remained at v 2.62 since the paid releases came out; oddly enough, I do actually qualify for a free personal license - this is my only MT weblog and I'm the sole author. I do my own tech support, so I don't need that.

So. Here I am. A lot of stuff I'd stuck in the template - most notably the Gooooogle ads template, which I think I have made 5¢ from so far - will probably get added back over time. (Maybe even Google Analytics, which I think I've looked at twice since I set it up. I don't pay very much attention to my traffic, since there isn't much of it except for the damn panda obsessives. No link, find it yourself.)

To 6A's credit, the upgrade was completely painless if still geeky, and so far, everything seems to be working well. Onward...

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Somehow, I am still tempted to hector you on your blog. I will have to find something else for me to throw my creepily inhuman comments at. :)

That's whut happens down here on the Z-List. Nothing but a bunch of creepily inhuman hectoring targets, we are.

Typical arrogant Z-list fake self-effacement, j ... we DD-listers toil in real obscurity!

And Anil ... please ... the takeaway should have been "eery floating head." Think "Great Gazoo," only with no body and a less dramatic *poof* on entrance.

But hey, j, holler if you run into problems. We had some stuff come up here and there over at the pbo colony, so if you have difficulties, a quick mail might jog my memory.

Well, it looks like it's working so far. Congratulations on a smooth and successful upgrade!

All I need to do is move six websites and four email accounts without anything major breaking... *fingers crossed* Next week is going to be highly entertaining.