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Kool Kidz Kriteria

The “must own” book of 2007: LifeHacker « Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger

From now on I’ll be able to tell if you care about being productive by asking whether you’ve read this book. If you don’t care about getting things done you won’t get it.

The sheer childish obnoxiousness of this is breathtaking. Let's leave the petty highschool attitude of whether you "get it," apparently a major source of concern for Scoble and his ilk, aside for the moment. Who dies and left you in charge? Maybe I don't give a flying fuck if you think I'm productive. Maybe I haven't pegged my whole life on getting things done, or maybe the things I want to get done don't have anything to do with you or your selfish, narrow point of view. Jesus, has the tech industry always suffered from this kind of conformist xenophobia?

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I would like to imagine that if someone asked me out of thin air if I was "on the Cluetrain" and seemed serious, I would walk out of the interivew.... However, when I'm in a position to be that honest I'm usually not going to job interviews.