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As a heart attack

Serious Eats: 30 Days of Pork

Ms. Kelso, a 34-year-old executive producer for an interactive ad agency in San Francisco, became a vegetarian while living with a vegan boyfriend. "He was adamant that his cookware not come in contact with any meat products." Because she cares about animals, their welfare, and their ethical treatment, she said, she found it relatively easy to give up meat. But, she says, "I love the taste, so I was one of those vegetarians who would always try all the fake meats."

Oh, it's serious fun over at Serious Eats on National Pig Day, which the meat-happy folks over there seem to have misread as National Pork Day. To celebrate, we get yet another converted-to-Christianity-oh-wait-I-meant-meat-eating story. Of course, she had her Road to Niman Ranch experience after reading the Holy Writ:
"After reading it, I realized that I was in violation of those ethics even while being a vegetarian," Ms. Kelso said. "Unless I drop out of society, live in the forest, and become a hunter-gatherer, I have an impact based on what I buy, no matter what it is."

I have read this paragraph at least 4 times, and it still makes no sense at all. So the solution is to eat fried-spam musubi and bacon and egg sandwiches? Is the idea that you make less of an environmental impact if you're dead of a heart attack?

Oddly enough, nowhere on the site am I finding a link to this recipe. I wonder why - it seems pretty damn serious to me.

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