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Ginger cookies

Orangette: The wait and the wonky molasses:

Also, you’ll note that this recipe calls for molasses. In this particular cookie, I like a mild one, such as Brer Rabbit Mild Flavor Molasses, but you could also use a standard dark variety. I wouldn’t, however, reach for blackstrap molasses. It’ll make the cookies taste too dark and Christmasy. Plus, it covers up the flavor of the chocolate chips. That’s just wrong.

No, blackstrap molasses is what I like to think of as the whole point. Chocolate anywhere near a ginger cookie, especially a molasses ginger cookie, is the thing that is "just wrong." Turns it from a savory cookie into some cheery poseur. Obviously never had a Joe Frogger. Leave 'em out - chocolate chips already have their own damn cookie.

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