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Poor readers

Scripting News: Poor Scoble:

I can't believe how surprised MSM people are at Scoble saying that Microsoft's advertising sucks. That's how people talk, and one of the principles of blogging is, imho, Come As You Are. (See also: Dogma 2000.)

Personally, I think they're feigning suprise, pretending they're shocked, when they use language like that too. What do they think about Microsoft's Internet strategy. When was the last time they created some software that made you think they liked software?

Glad as I am that we seem to have gotten over the misquoting, I find it hard to accept this sudden call for working blue from someone who still usually spells it "fcuking." Besides, don't you remember? They said he said it sucks! They weren't shocked! They do use that language!

And who are these MSM people? Where's the links?

I also can't really parse that last paragraph with all those "theys" in there. Are you asking when the last time was that the MSM people created some software-philic software? Or Microsoft? Or both?

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