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January 31, 2007

Salt shadows

Snow day (Ftrain.com):

“I can still taste Brooklyn,” I said. Mo laughed, remembering the look of disgust as I tried to dig the snow out of my mouth with my fingers, and I thought: that laugh will only mean sadness when I am dead, which, given the mood I am in and the unkempt quality of my hair, will be very soon. Those sudden melodramatic thoughts come at the end of happy sentences, like deformed punctuation marks. We're teasing the cat with a string, laughing along, and I think, all of this will be gray ashes, or cancer lurks unbidden and inevitable. (My father used to say, “laughing ends up in crying,” but he didn't mean this. He meant, take that lit firecracker out of your ear, funny guy.)
Paul Ford is still there, still writing, and you should be reading him. This piece was sad, a little self-conscious, and all the more charming for it.

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January 30, 2007

Atomic fog

Scripting News: 1/30/2007:

I can't read your feed anymore Ted. I'll survive, but I will miss your posts.

Just fix your broken aggregator. It's open source, right?

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Speaking of crickets

Every now and then I need to throw up a "why I've been silent" post. Usually, I complain bitterly about the increasing careerism of the Web blah, blah,blah - it's so boring even I can't remember how it goes anymore. At the moment I'm trying to decide what to do with this blog. I currently have 2 "active" (relatively speaking) blogs, this august outlet (my snark in trade) and another over at blog.mignault.net, which I have tended to use for my more, ahem, perfessional side. While one blog you're not writing anything on is one thing, two seems like a bit much. Though, as is usually the case when I consider offing the clam, I recently paid up the domain name for another year, and it seems silly to waste that 8.95 by shuttering this clamshack. It's not like I am really anonymous here. Pretty much anybody could discover my seekrit identity in a few moments of even casual research, so it's not as though I'm afraid I'll get fired from my job as the head of the worldwide bivalve cabal which controls the media and the Gorton's fisherman.

I've tended to write this blog as my very own personal howl of protest against the high-school popularity models at the foundation of the meritocrasphere. Lately I feel like continuing to do that is just a waste of time especially since others articulate those concerns much more clearly and eloquently. I distrust almost anything that calls for the adoption of slogans and the suspension of critical thinking. I couldn't stand it in Catholicism, I couldn't stand it as a member of a labor union. When people start saying that there's something to be said for groupthink, something is terribly, terribly rotten somewhere. These days I have trouble with the Cluescooter crowd, both bloogersphere and library flavors, who send my bullshit detectors off the charts with their serial media apocalypses. And yet they sell, because people are desperate in a sensational, short-attention-span world to think that we can just buy our way into revolutionary "movements." And we are sufficiently debased by such a movement to think that a high-definition television is a "life-changing experience." 99% percent of the time the only movement you can trust comes out your ass. But that doesn't get you Berkman fellowships. Well, maybe it does.

Just a quick update on my state of mind, or lack thereof, as the case may be. As someone else has said, I just make this stuff up. Think for yourself.

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2 mac mysteries

OK, lazyweb and all that.

1. For some reason, on my home Powerbook, WebnoteHappy seems to continually lose my del.icio.us authorizations. I need to enter and re-enter it every hour or so. I have rebuilt permissions, offered burnt sacrifices and checked the disk. Nuttin. Frustrating.

2. On both my home and work machines, I use PathFinder, and have it set to quit Apple's Finder when it launches. Lately, instead of quitting cleanly, it quits, throws an error, and restarts. I've taken to closing all its windows and hiding it, but it's a definite kludge. If I could fix these two things I'd be in complete MacHeaven. All right, distributed IntarWeb intelligence, do your solving thing!

(sound of crickets)

mph, any ideas?

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January 12, 2007

Journalist cover thyself

Scripting News: 1/12/2007

And yes, I believe there is an ethics to PR, it's the mirror image of the ethics of reporters. Vendors must respect that reporters must write what they believe, not what the companies want them to write. That I'm not invited is how you know that I haven't compromised.

Unless Winer is the subject, in which case the reporter's responsibility is not to write what the reporter believes but what Winer believes.

I also am of the opinion that the second point about compromise is more adequately explained by personality than it is by character.

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